Rev. Sherry Lee Calkins
Internationally Known Medium and Aura Artist
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For 2024 - I am happy to give phone readings all year long. April Through October I am available for in-person readings
in Lily Dale, N.Y.
All reading are scheduled in advance.
Please contact me at revsherrylee@gmail.com or
phone me at 716-595-3174.
Phone readings make excellent gifts!

"Thank you for visiting my website.
" It would bring me joy to help you with the difficulties in your life today. Hearing from your Spirit loved ones may bring you the comfort and support you need."
REV. SHERRY LEE'S high level of expertise has been achieved
by helping thousands of people work through their issues with
hands-on love, from family and friends in Spirit.
A reading by Sherry Lee will show eight years of your life
illustrated in color, moving from your past choices-
to moving forward;
finding more positive and rewarding results.
This beautiful AURA CHART
drawn by Spirit through Rev. Sherry Lee
shows the fascinating colors of your own energy.
It may illustrate your personal relationships,
professional path, and other areas important
to your well-being.
"Thank you, Reverend Sherry Lee for sharing with me...
My Aura reading this afternoon...It REALLY meant so much to me.
Blessings. " - M.
"Dear Rev. Calkins, Your gift is a beautiful thing...
It was a pleasure speaking with you today..."
- K.
I would love to work with you!
716-595-3174 or via email at revsherrylee@gmail.com.
(Please- No texting)